Our Foundation, Corporate & Public Donors
Many of the programs put on by the Deane Center are free or heavily discounted. Examples include Deane Little Beans and Golden Afternoons. These programs are a part of our mission so it is important that they be made as available as possible to potential participants.
Our hosting of other non profit organizations such as Wellsboro Community Concert Association, Hamilton-Gibson, Endless Mountains Music Festival, or Men's and Women's Chorus are done in a manner to help these organizations continue to fulfill their missions. So again, fees, if any, for use of the space are often greatly discounted.
As a community based organization we strive to support any organization who may need space for their meeting or event.
Without the financial support of area individuals, foundations or corporations this would not be possible. Thank you!
Founding Supporters
Sweet Foundation
Deerfield Charitable Trust
Packer Foundation
Etner Foundation
Pennsylvania Performing Arts Project Stream
Woodcock Foundation for the Appreciation of the Performing Arts
Tabor Foundation
David G Patterson Foundation