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Endowment & Legacy Gifts

Do you want the satisfaction of knowing you made a lasting impact on our community? 


If so, make a gift to the Deane Center for the Performing Arts' Endowment Fund now or through your estate plan to contribute to the long-term success of the Deane Center as a home for the arts in Tioga County.


Your gift will help make it possible for the Deane Center to continue to enrich the lives of countless people, young and old, for many years to come.  An estate planning attorney can help you make the Deane Center a part of your estate plan. 


An example: 

"I give, devise and bequeath to the Deane Center for the Performing Arts, Inc., a Pennsylvania nonprofit corporation and a qualified 501(c)(3) organization, located in Wellsboro Pennsylvania, Federal Tax ID Number ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­20-4504896, the sum of __________ (or % of my estate), (or specified securities herein described) to be directed to the Endowment Fund to support the Deane Center for the Performing Arts, Inc., in its mission of providing a venue for programs and classes and offering exceptional arts and entertainment that nurture the diverse interests of Tioga County and the surrounding region for the benefit of the community and the performing arts.” **


Contact the Deane Center today to get started.


**   The forgoing is provided for general informational purposes only.  It is solely a convenience to you and does not constitute legal or other professional advice on any subject matter.  Therefore, you should not rely solely upon this information in making any decision.  Please consult with your estate planning attorney.





Deane Center for the Performing Arts, Inc.

104 Main St.,

PO Box 102

Wellsboro, PA 16901

Office Hours: Monday- Friday

9:30- 3:30

Or by appointment


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